Get Your Thrift Store Treasures Professionally Appraised

Thrift Store Purchases Can Be Treasures

Everyone has heard the stories about thrift store purchases turning out to be valuable antiques. However, there is no guarantee that you will be able to recognize these treasures when you come upon them. A keen eye helps. Unfortunately, there are limits to how much a keen eye can help unless you also have the relevant expertise and experience. Fortunately, there are ways for you to confirm a jackpot treasure find without breaking your budget in the process.

How Can You Find Out Whether Your Thrift Store Purchase Is an Antique?

From vintage glassware to jewelry to fine art, there are treasures to be had at thrift stores, antique shops, and estate sales. Here’s what to look for and how to get them appraised.

Go to Appraisal Days

Auction houses often have appraisal days when an expert will provide verbal appraisals for the items that are brought to them. If you live in a metropolitan area, chances are good that you will be able to find a number of options. After which, it will be a matter of asking whether they have appraisal days as well as what kind of rules they have in place for their appraisal days.

Go to Local Antique Shows

There is a lot of interest in antiques. As a result, your area might see local antique shows from time to time. It is far from being guaranteed. Still, these events will sometimes have an expert offering verbal appraisals. Once again, you will need to make sure that your local antique show of choice will actually feature such an expert. After which, you will need to ask about the rules of the appraisal. Be warned that going to a local antique show comes with a cost, though that may or may not bother you depending on whether you were already thinking about going or not.

Go to Visiting Antique Shows

Other than local antique shows, there are also visiting antique shows. Unsurprisingly, one of them is Antique Roadshow, which should be either the most famous or one of the most famous visiting antique shows that can be found out there. However, there are others as well. In any case, if you are interested, you should make sure to look up their schedules as well as their rules to see if there will be a time that is convenient for you.

Ask Antique Shops, Auction Houses, and Similar Establishments

Antique shops, auction houses, and similar establishments sometimes offer verbal appraisals, which is an easy way for them to build up some goodwill with their potential clients. You should be extra-careful when you approach one of these establishments. Appraisers aren’t supposed to have a financial interest in the items that they appraise, which makes sense because that kind of thing encourages people to make unethical choices. Unfortunately, the people who offer verbal appraisals at these establishments are often not appraisers but just people who know a lot about antiques and related treasures.

What Else Should You Keep in Mind When You Are Looking For an Appraisal?

If you are interested in antique treasures, there are other things that you should know when it comes to looking for a jackpot treasure find. First, you should find out as much about the item as possible. Knowing things such as the price of the item, the condition of the item, and the place that the item was purchased can empower appraisers to give better estimates than otherwise possible.

Second, you will want to remember the limitations of the appraisal that you are getting. For example, you will want to bring either a notepad, a smartphone, or something else that you can use to take notes if you are getting a verbal appraisal. Similarly, you should know that you need a written appraisal rather than a verbal appraisal if you need documentation for whatever reason. On top of this, appraisers might not be qualified to appraise certain kinds of items, which can be an issue if you were hoping to get an appraisal for exactly those kinds of items.

Third, you should never sell your antique to the people who appraise it. If you believe that you have managed to come upon something valuable through your keen eye, you should get a written appraisal rather than a verbal appraisal so that you can be sure about the matter. Informed decisions tend to make for the best results. Due to this, it makes sense for you to become fully-informed about exactly what you have on hand before you take any further steps.

Fourth, if you don’t want to sell the antique that you have uncovered, you should feel free to hold onto it. Sometimes, getting an appraisal is just a matter of satisfying your curiosity about your jackpot treasure find, which is perfectly fine.

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